Elegy On The Death Of Robert Ruisseaux
    elegy on the death of robert ruisseaux 注释标题 ruisseaux is french for rivulets or “burns,” a translation of his name.
    now robin lies in his last lair,
    he'll gabble rhyme, nor sing nae mair;
    cauld poverty, wi' hungry stare,
    nae mair shall fear him;
    nor anxious fear, nor cankert care,
    e'er mair come near him.
    to tell the truth, they seldom fash'd him,
    except the moment that they crush'd him;
    for sune as chance or fate had hush'd 'em
    tho' e'er sae short.
    then wi' a rhyme or sang he lash'd 'em,
    and thought it sport.
    tho'he was bred to kintra-wark,
    and counted was baith wight and stark,
    yet that was never robin's mark
    to mak a man;
    but tell him, he was learn'd and clark,
    ye roos'd him then!